Breastfeeding simulation set


The perfect set for experiencing breastfeeding support. Users can feel adequate close fit when wearing the Postpartum Breast Care Model and can take a natural breastfeeding positon. By attaching the strap-on-mask to a Baby manikin, users can simulate a baby”˜s appropriate latch.

– By using both the Breastfeeding Simulation Set and a Baby manikin together, users can practice a “hands-on” approach to the support of breastfeeding.
– Users can observe and practice caring for the nipples and breasts.
– Simulation of engorgement of the breast enables users to observe the engorgement state and practice methods for alleviating engorgement.
– Users can learn through experience that a correct latch cannot be achieved when the breast is engorged.

Weight: 1.7 kg

SKU: LM113A Categories: ,

