Formato: Rollo
Tamaño: 610M x 78mm
440,17 €
Peelable heat sealing foil which seals to polystyrene plates. This seal is resealable, pierceable and suitable for compound storage too.
El termosellado ofrece un método eficaz 100% para sellar placas, para una integridad completa del sello, además de ser rápido y rentable.
Our PierceASeal Foil PS Heat Seal produces a strong seal to polystyrene plates
It is compatible with polypropylene and polystyrene plates
This seal demonstrates moderate solvent resistance and can be used for low temperature compound storage, in DMSO and organic solvents, and short term room temperature storage
PierceASeal Foil PS Heat Seal can be pierced with a pipette tip manually, by a liquid handling robot, or it can be removed by peeling (from polystyrene only). It can be resealed by applying another Polystyrene Foil Heat Seal directly on top of a previously pierced seal
Este sello está disponible en hojas, para usar con selladores manuales y semiautomáticos.
Características clave
Peelable from polystyrene plates
Resealable foil on foil
Seal integrity range: -20 °C to 110 °C
Seals polypropylene and polystyrene plates
Suitable for short term storage
Suitable for low temperature compound storage