AmbuMan Basic


The AmbuMan Basic is a cost-efficient training device that is tailored to the needs of BLS algorithm training.
Thanks to its closed torso, the use of a training AED and the placement of the defibrillation electrodes can be optimally trained.
Realistic ventilation is only possible if the head is correctly hyperextended and produces realistic breathing resistance. In addition, exhalation through mouth and nose is audible, and the lifting and lowering of the thorax is visible.


– Cost-efficient BLS algorithm training device
– Sturdy and persistent.
– Realistic training of thoracic compression
– Visualization of the correct compression depth
– Ambu hygiene system for mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose ventilation
– Bag-mask ventilation
– Placement of a Guedel tube (when using the Guedel face mask)
– Realistic airway resistance
– Visualization of the correct ventilation volume
– Visible lifting and lowering of the thorax
– Audible exhalation through mouth and nose
– Anatomically correct, closed torso
– Easy AED training through realistic placement of the defibrillation electrodes

SKU: R30050 Categories: ,

